
They say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. We express our love for our family and friends around a great meal. Food is sustenance, but it’s also something we do to care for others. Is someone sick? We bring soup. Someone has suffered a loss? We bring a casserole. Did you move into a new neighborhood? A neighbor brings you lunch. During the Holidays, we cook and bake traditional foods for family, friends, and coworkers. The list goes on and on.

Sharing a meal is the ultimate expression of generosity. Moreover, celebrating in a favorite, fabulous restaurant with family and friends is the best! Meals are memories!

You learn a lot about someone when you share a meal together.

Anthony bourdain


Every day, I’m captivated by the culinary diversity of this city. Los Angeles, a melting pot of cultures, offers a rich tapestry of fabulous cuisines. Our grocery store offerings mirror the vibrant mix of customers who shop for them. Most communities boast Farmer’s Markets or local neighborhood stores with seasonal produce and regional specialties. This rich culinary landscape has deepened my passion for food and cooking.

Now more than ever, the sustainability of our food is a cause close to my heart, and I strive to make better choices daily. Seasonality is equally important to me, shaping the way I cook. I’m fortunate to reside in a city where fresh produce from various sources is widely available. Our temperate weather allows produce to be grown year-round and contributes to accessibility.

About this site

For many years, at the urging of some friends and family, I’ve decided to share what I cook—these recipes I serve to my family and friends. Claudia’s Table is a labor of love—both creative and to share. So, who is Claudia? It’s my middle name, which my immediate family calls me. Like most of us, my journey with food and cooking started when I was a kid, helping my mother in the kitchen or watching my Nana make giant tortillas. Over the years, it has evolved into a passion I’m excited to share.

This site contains vibrant, healthful, shareable recipes and ideas for everyday and entertaining. They are primarily wholesome, somewhat indulgent, and always delicious. I invite you to browse, engage, and let me know what’s on your Table today. I hope you will find something new to try and share with your family and friends. 

Food content and recipe development

I develop and test the recipes until they are perfected. I’ve been making many of these recipes for years, and it takes a bit of testing to get the exact flavor from my kitchen to yours. Additionally, I love to create new recipes! I love getting creative in the kitchen and sharing my new-found favorites with you all!
A handful of recipes are inspired by favorite cookbooks, chefs, or restaurants, and I always credit my inspiration.


I photograph all the food that you see on the site. I use a Canon EOS Rebel T6i or my iPhone. The photography is taken in our home, indoors and outdoors, without artificial lighting and minimal processing.

More about me…

I’m thrilled you’re here!

My husband Carl (aka sous chef and taster) and I live in a coastal Los Angeles neighborhood with our little dog Sophie.
As a beauty industry veteran fortunate enough to work for some incredible American and French brands, I’ve had the opportunity to share my creativity with the world. I’m equally excited to share my passion for creating delicious food with you. Your interest and support mean the world to me, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to connect with you through our shared love for food. ❤️

All the best,